28 July 2011

Nairn Mission - Day 3 - Wednesday

Greetings from Nairn, UK!

The day started with all leaders and teen helpers meeting in a time of prayer starting with a devotion led by Ali MacDonald. Another great group of Nairn children arrived soon after and were soon participating in their songs, games, crafts, etc. which reinforced the learning of the weeks' memory verse. Ali also gave the talk during Holiday Club which covered the parable of the prodigal son.

The Lord blessed us with one of the most beautiful days we've ever experienced for sports. The kids taught us "rounders" (a sort of UK version of baseball) which seemed to have ever-changing rules and scoring. We also played ultimate frisbee; but having no frisbee, we improvised using the soft baseball. Approximately 80% of the children returned for sports or crafts which was an increase in attendance.

Please pray for these specific requests:
1. For Toni's "Jolly Jumbos" group as they have five special needs children.
2. For effective follow-up by Nairn Free Church with the contacts made this week.
3. For encouragement, hope, and peace for Mud, Maggie, Kirsty, and Angus in God's calling
for Kingdom advancement in Nairn.
4. For inter-congregational relationships to continue to develop and evolve between
Smithton-Culloden and Nairn Free Church.
5. That the current successes of Wednesday evening kids' ministry would continue to
be blessed by the Lord.
6. That the Lord would bless the ongoing renovation of the Nairn Free Church building.

We had the pleasure of attending Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting at Smithton-Culloden Free Church at which David Meredith spoke on Psalm 88. It was a positive message on a traditionally dark scripture passage. We got to tour their new facilities which include a renovated sanctuary, kitchen, and fellowship hall. It was clearly communicated to us that the prayers and support of friends from "the colonies" were much appreciated.
Till next time...
In Christ.

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