Wednesday came and went without a blog post. My apologies, but I simply needed to catch up on my sleep rather than staying up past midnight to blog.
Wednesday was another great day. The number of kids we're having for both the holiday club in the morning and the sports/crafts camp in the afternoon is remaining steady. They are really loving the activities at the club and the sports & crafts time in the afternoon.
Our dear friend, Susan Henderson, brought the Bible story to us. She did a great job telling the story of Paul and the shipwreck on the way to Rome... thankfully, as you can see on her case, she made it all the way to Rome and back! The way she started the story really drew the kids in and they listened intently as she spoke about Paul & the journey he took and events that he experienced along the way. She stressed the importance of trusting in God and his promises to provide and care for His people the way he did for Paul and even those on the ship who, at the time, did not believe, but came to believe when they saw that what Paul said was true. This story also provided us a nice opportunity to review the story of Saul's conversion and how when we come to believe in Christ, we are a new creation.
Here's a picture of Karine assisting Eve in our game time. Each group had 13 cards, lying
face down on the floor. There was an image on the screen at the front of the hall. One at a time, they had to come up and flip the card and move it to the correct space or order without looking at another card. I was quite impressed with how well everyone did!
Here are Johnny (a brave black beard) and Donald Angus helping their wee ones with the craft.
Alastair even dropped in for a wee visit at the club... Megan and I managed not only to get a photo with him, but we got him to wear a pirate hat!
I cannot say enough good things about our teen helpers this week. They have really stepped up to the plate - leading music and games and helping with the kids whenever needed. Here are Cara and
Kirsty getting into the song called "You Are a Star." The air guitars are a must for this one!
Here's a shot of the large group singing and doing the hand motions to "You Are a Star." It's quite a catchy tune.
Afternoons have been great this year with more kids than ever showing up for crafts & sports. It's a tremendous blessing to have mums come along as well to assist with the crafts, especially the more difficult ones. Here's a picture of Eve and her mum, Karen, working hard on Eve's new handbag.
Here are Tom & Trey goofing off during a game of Ultimate
Beth, Elaine, Cara, and Susan as craft time is wrapping up.
On Wednesday evening, we went through to
Smithton for the the weekly prayer service. Our fellow American, Jonathan Keenan, was in town preaching while Mr. Meredith wrapped up his summer holiday. It was a great encouragement to us as Jonathan brought forth God's word from the book of Ruth. We came in on the end of a series that he has worked through this summer on the book of Ruth. It was a great blessing to us to here him preach, reminding us that since the fall, God has promised to redeem His people and bring them back to Himself. And he reminded us that it is God's work, not ours; but that we are merely His vessels, the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. He both encouraged and challenged us, reminding us that these kids need to know the LOVE of Christ and that we need to love them unconditionally, exactly where they are. It was also a time of encouragement as the congregation prayed, lifting their voices to God, requesting His blessings on this week, that the seeds planted may fall on good soil and that there may be a bountiful harvest and revival in
Nairn and across the Highlands.
After prayer meeting, we had the opportunity to spend some time with our friends from
Smithton and see some very dear to us. It was a great time of fellowship. For those of you who don't know, this is a picture of Rhona, myself, and El (some of our most recent Memphis visitors).
I realize that I am behind on my posting and that tomorrow is Friday, which ushers in the final day of club and the pirates picnic. Please continue in prayer for this club. Tomorrow is a big day for us... it is our last day to truly reach these kids for Christ while we are here. It is also a day where we will have interaction with their parents and have a better understanding of the home life situations of many of our kids. Please continue to pray for the impressionable hearts and minds of these young children. They are thinking and asking challenging questions that really remind us that the Lord is at work in this place and the Holy Spirit is moving in the hearts of these kids. Pray that they would come to know Jesus as their savior, that they would have a saving faith and that they would become new creations. Please pray for our friends, the
Nairnite volunteers, who will continue on with these children long after we are gone this year. Pray that they may be encouraged by the time spent with us; that they may be strong and courageous in presenting the Gospel to these children, giving them daily reminders of the things learned here this week. Please be in prayer for the pirate picnic - that we would have nice weather and a good turnout of parents. Friday afternoon is always a
privilege for us as we get to meet the parents and carry on conversations with them regarding the things their children learned throughout the week. Many of these kids have non-believing parents. Please pray that hearts & lives would be touched by the Gospel and that entire families would come to know Christ personally and that this would spark a revival in this town.
Please continue also in prayer for us as a team as we prepare to say our goodbyes. As much fun as Friday is, especially at the picnic, it is a hard day for us. It's the end of the week and we are absolutely shattered (exhausted). It is never easy to say goodbye to our friends. Please pray that we would continue to be an encouragement to them. Pray that our relationships would continue to grow deeper and stronger. While many tears will be shed, it's a blessing to know that we are never apart when we are all in Christ... even though an ocean may separate us, we are one in Him.
To God be all the Honor, Glory and Majesty of this week and the work done here in